Aesthetic, what is it and why do you care? Aesthetic as defined as an adjective by google is “concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty”. This is everything I love about the world!! Ultimately what we are playing with this week is philosophical study that deals with the nature and appreciation of art, beauty, and taste. In other words, building storyboard and bringing together the elements that you’ve learned so far.
The next step in the process, after learning how to be in front of the camera is defining the elements of your story.
Included in this part of your story is how you show up. All elements of you. Starting with your face and the energy that you convey through your range of expressions. Moving to your body language. Learning to arrange your limbs in flattering ways to exemplify your message. Then to the ever important Storyboard, which is where we map out locations and define the rest of the frame so all elements blend together to make sense.
Moving to the finale of putting it all together in your Playbook. This is the manual of your experience with this course that you can share with your team- make-up artist, photographer, web designer. All the masters that help bring your brand the attention it deserves.
What To Expect
Expression - This week is starts with your face; use all you’ve learned with the selfie challenge and bring in more specific emotion, intrigue, and delight!
Posing - Not sure what to do with those limbs of yours? This is what you’ve been waiting for! Learn to play with different lines, subtle movements, and the massive difference it makes!
Story - Compose the images you need for your website, social media, etc. and tell a visual story with your photos.
What You’ll Create
Confidence - Know what you are capable of and how to use your facial expressions to capture the emotion you want in every photo.
Proprioception - Be comfortable in your body, and know how to move each part in unison to show up on camera in a whole new way.
Vision - Plan your story to share your vision and expectations of the shoot. This is reverse engineering at its best.