Essence Revealed

the journey of Becoming


What is Essence Revealed Project all about?

2020 was a challenging year for us all. whether you came out on top or are still coming out of the mud, you’ve changed and grown in ways even you may not recognize. As an artist in a pandemic, not being able to contribute to capturing the beauty of humanity as I normally do, was particularly challenging. I lost a bit of myself for a moment and needed to create with purpose and passion to regain what I felt like I had lost. So I created this project as a way to not only give back to the women and moms who endlessly inspire me, but also to satisfy a creative hunger that was dormant for a little too long

With this project, I sought the stories. I listened and let the women really say what was true and raw for them. To envision the potential and possibility of the future when we all got to whatever the next “normal” would be.

We washed our hands and wore masks, and cried and laughed, and allowed for life to feel full again.

The entire world was put on pause. And when we're all we're forced to stop and go inside, and stay inside and find out what we found inside, it was challenging, disruptive, inspiring, and uncomfortable. all at the same time.

We each experienced the pandemic in a variety of ways. Nobody has stayed the same, because we can't. Everything is brought to the surface, to be seen dealt with, or to continue doing things the same way that we always have.

The Essence Revealed project is an opportunity to share more of who you're becoming with creative and expressive portraiture. To potentially share a bit more of who you’ve always known yourself to be but didn’t know how to reveal what’s underneath.

It’s a ‘choose your own adventure’ photo experience to define who you are moving into in 2021 and beyond.

It's a way for you to explore not only the core essence of your being, but also to experiment with what feels good and to unearth some of those parts that haven't seen enough light. let some of those pieces of yourself that don't get enough attention be seen in all of the power and radius that they hold as well. No human is just one thing. We all are capable of excellence in a number of ways. And essence reveal is an opportunity to express one or all of those

I realized that I spend much of my time behind my persona, always on stage , always in a character. When I saw myself in the images we created, I felt “naked” . Candace really captured me in the images and not the personas I project.
— Candace C.
I could have stayed with Candace for days, just coming up with beautiful and creative images. I felt incredibly comfortable in her company and never once second-guessed myself or the vision we created. Candace has a way of making you feel like you are the most beautiful person in the world and injects her clients with strength and confidence.
— Tisha K.

Book your own Essence Revealed Experience