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You’ve made it to the finale. The last phase where we bring it all together. Where all of your efforts can be made visible and worthy of congratulations. You’ve gone through it! You’ve learned all sorts of things about yourself, about how you want to be seen and practiced many elements of how to show up with your whole self. Now we get to bring it all together… your story. Grab all your hard work and put it in one place. Who is the character you will be working with? What type of lighting scenario fits the best? What type of wardrobe accentuates her persona? Now you know all of these details and can construct your paper doll who will live neatly in your PLAYBOOK until your shoot date… coming soon! When all the details are defined, then we can bring it to stage and have the audience feel what you’ve created! Connection starts with the process of knowing yourself on an intimate level and then allowing for that power to magnetize with the impact you deserve to receive.


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In this pillar, we are putting it all together. A visual look at all the things you’ve learned. Did you ever play with paper dolls as a kid? One of my favorite memories was defining who she would be and creating the story of how she would show up in the world and be remembered. This is your story and the defining factors are determined by you through your practice. This is where your artist can let her skills shine and dive into her creativity.

Go back to week 1, start by giving your character a name. Define the persona and how you want her to be remembered. And remember, you can’t do it wrong.



Grab your PLAYBOOK template. This is where we get to plug and play. You’ve got a collection of images from your experience so far. Now is the culling process of selecting the best fit for the story you are telling. Be clear and concise. Each choice must be defined with clarity and intent. Connect each selection to your path and your why.


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You’ve practiced the different layers. How to stand, how to use your facial expressions, what to wear. You’re more comfortable and confident and remember, there’s no such thing as perfect. All the details are planned out and rehearsed. Now its showtime! Dress rehearsal- check! Action is your chance to actually take what you’ve learned and implement it into a story worthy of sharing and more importantly, that people will remember!

Grab a friend or a tripod and create! While you can will get a different feeling and experience from making it all on your own. The power of reflection and assistance with someone outside of yourself is the first step in making it all real and therefore much easier!



This is it. Time to put the what you’ve learned into action. This is a two part process. Once you have all of your images and statements defined and a clear plan of action, now you get to create.

Grab a tripod, your camera and your PLAYBOOK. Then move on to the first simple collaboration. Grab a friend, your camera and your PLAYBOOK. Add the results to the Action Template


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This is my favorite part, as its the place where you get to receive true reflection. Validation and constructive feedback in collaboration with those outside of yourself. And to continue the reminder, you can’t do it wrong, but there may be ways to do it better.

We start with the connection to yourself. This journey of learning has been a deepening to the most important connection you will ever have. You must remember who you are in order to share any of your authentic magic. It can be sticky and edgy and awkward but the results are glorious even in the mess.

What you gain:

SELF —> Trust & Confidence
GROUP —> Safety & Support
PUBLIC/AUDIENCE/WORLD —> Freedom & Attraction



This is all about Connection. Being exposed can be super edgy so here it begins with the core four that ultimately leads to non-attachment. Once its out in the world, there has to be a process of letting go and trusting that it’s everything it needs to be. The group and I am here for your support.

Take the Feedback document and write the valuable constructive criticism that you’ve received. It’s all part of the learning and growing.

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And now we breathe… AHHH. How do you feel after putting yourself out there? What did you get out of the experience? How will YOUR STORY become embodied in everyday life? Webster defines integrate as: “to form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole”. The completion of who you are, for this character, has been clearly defined and expressed. What did you gain? What do you want next?

Each photo experience you create can have lasting benefits if you start with something of meaning… YOU.

In yoga practice, Savasana, the resting pose, is what allows us to reap the benefits of our physical endeavors. It brings our self-awareness through meditation into relaxation. This is your time for true and honest celebration.



Edges successfully pushed. How do you integrate the experience? With all of my clients, I request that they take time to allow for the unfolding. Writing is my preferred way to let things settle in the body and sprout new growth. Take time to use the meditation as many times as you’d like and document what you gain. Breathe in what you’ve accomplished and acknowledge the victory of the whole experience. You now have a full expression of self that you can share with the world.

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overview paragraph… likely an invitation or offer



candace smith